Area Courses
The following courses have been approved to meet the area requirements toward a PPEL concentration. Students may wish to consult the list of upcoming courses when registering.
Area Courses
Ethics Area Courses
ECON233 Ethics and Economics
LDST377 Ethical Decisions-Making in Healthcare
LDST450 Leadership Ethics
PHIL120 Contemporary Moral Issues
PHIL265 Bioethics
PHIL360 Ethics
PHIL365 Action, Responsibility, and Free Will
PHIL375 Ethics and Practical Reasoning
RELG267 Varieties of Christian Ethics
PHIL269 Ethics, Religion and the Environment
RELG294 Varieties of Jewish Ethics
RELG367 Aristotle, Aquinas: The Ethics
RELG367 Ethics and Religion in American Pragmatism
RELG369 Problems in Social Ethics
RELG394 Asian Ethics
WGSS279 ST: Environmental Ethics
Political Theory/Political Philosophy Area Courses
ANTH328 Anthropology of Human Rights
ANTH335 Law and Order: The Anthropology of Justice
GEOG370 Geographies of Economic Development and Globalization
HIST391 Transnational Social Reform
LDST210 Justice and Civil Society
LDST361 Sex, Power, and Politics
LDST378 Statesmanship
PHIL363 Power and Politics
PHIL369 Economic Justice
PHIL382 Economic Justice
PLSC311 Classical Political Thought
PLSC312 Modern Political Theory
PLSC315 American Political Theory
LDST308 Creation of the American Republic
PLSC339 Jurisprudence in Contemporary American Politics
RELG369 Ethics, Religion, and War
Law-Related Area Courses
ANTH335 Law and Order: The Anthropology of Justice
CLSC320 Cultural Property: Archaeology, Ethics, and Law
ECON231 Law and Economics
ENVR366 International Environmental Law
HS340 Law and Medicine
HIST211 Supreme Court Cases of the 20th Century
HIST213 Lawrence v. Texas
HIST214 The Scottsboro Trails
HIST240 Human Rights and Revolution in the Atlantic World (1750-1850)
JOUR206 Journalism Law, Ethics
PHIL260 Philosophical Problems in Law and Society
PHIL364 Philosophy and Law
PLSC331 Constitutional Law
PLSC333 Civil Rights/Liberties
PLSC337 The American Legal System
PLSC339 Jurisprudence in Contemporary American Politics
LAWE643 International Law and Organization
RHCS353 Rhetoric and Law
SOC311 Juvenile Delinquency