Upcoming Courses

Approved Area Courses - Fall 2025

Ethics Area Courses

PHIL 120 Contemporary Moral Issues 
PHIL 360 Ethics
LDST 377 Ethical Decisions-Making in Healthcare
LDST 450 Leadership Ethics


Political Theory/Political Philosophy Area Courses

LDST 210 Justice and Civil Society
PHIL 369 Economic Justice
PLSC 311 Classical Political Thought
PLSC 312 Modern Political Theory


Law-Related Area Courses

HIST 213 Lawrence v. Texas
PLSC 333 Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
PLSC 358 Refugees and Forced Migration
PLSC 362/ENVR 362 Environmental Law and Policy
PLSC 339 Jurisprudence and Contemporary American Politics
RHCS 353 Rhetoric and Law

Please consult the Philosophy, Political Science, and Economics departments for a list of courses offered in Spring 2025 that can be taken to fulfill the concentration requirement for the PPEL major.